Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Secret Window Vs. Psycho

The Secret Window and Psycho are to horror movies. Both of them involving a person who has more than one personality. In the Secret Window the main character thinks that there is a man out to get him but it is only his imagination coming out and trying to get back to all the people who hurt him and that he does not like. In Psycho the guy kills his mom but does not let anyone find out that he killed her and after she is buried he digs her body up and keeps it with him. After a while he starts having to personality's, one of him and the other as his mother. He starts acting like her and not letting anyone know he has her body. In both the movies they have people with split personality's and kill people because they get mad at them. I think that Secret Window is a better movie because it is newer and appeals to me more.

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