Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Billy Madison

1) Where Billy chases the pinguin. I like this scene because it shows that there are some things that you will want but you may never get them. Some things are just impossable to get.
2) When Mrs. Lippy is dancing with her noodles. I like this scene because it shows that when people are not around your true person comes out. Weather you like to dance around with noodles or just do your thing, everyone needs to have time to do there thing.
3) When Ernie pees his pants and Billy puts water on his pants and tells everyone that it is cool to pee your pants. I like this becasue it shows you need to stand up for your friends, even if you embaras yourself, stainding up for friends is always the right thing to do.
4) My favorite scene is where he is up on the stage and the person who is grading the competition between himn and Eric says that everyone that was hear has just gotten a little stupider. I think that it is funny because we all hae moments in our life when we stand up for what we think is right and we get shot down.

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