Monday, December 8, 2008

Gone With The Wind

Have you ever wondered what the gratest movie ever is, well I have and I was on a serch through out the school to find the best movie ever. I looked in the math department, I looked in the science department, nothing. Finaly i decided that I would come and serch around in Mrs. Wiesermathews room. I found it, the number 1 rated movie of all times. The movie was called " Gone With The Wind." In this blog I will be telling you what i gave this movie as a rating, what genre it is and the main actors.

My rating scale is a 1 to 5. One being a horrable movie, and 5 being the most amazing movie ever. I am going to give gone with the wind a 4. For its time and with the technology they had at that time this movie was amazing. The only reason i didnt give it a 5 was because i didnt like the story line so much, it didnt keep me interested. The genre was Action, war, and drama. A few of my favorit quotes are from Rhett Butler. The first quote is "Im very drunk and I intend on getting still drunker before this evening's over." I like this quote because it kept me glued to the movie becasue this is something that they would say in a movie that was released now-a-days. Another good quote by Rhett was "Take a good look my dear. It's an historic moment you can tell your grandchildren about — how you watched the Old South fall one night." I like this quote because it is almost a history lesson and I like movies that teach you something while rntertaining me.

Some of the main actors are Scarlett O'Hara, played by Vivien Leigh. Ashley Wilkes played by Leslie Howard. Rhett Butler played by Clark Gable. Ellen O'Hara, played by Barbara O'Neil. I believe that all those actors were really outstanding. They all played there part pefect and were able to relate with the way the character was portrayed. They The Direstor's are Victor Fleming George Cukor Sam Wood. I got the actors and quotes from
Gone with the Wind is a movie that will always be one of the best movies ever. Not only because it is one of the first color movies, but because it is a really good movie and keeps the watchers glued to it. For the time period that this movie was created it is amazing. Gone with the wind is an amazing movie and will always be considerd one of the most amazing movies.

1 comment:

Sandra said...

Wow! Great opening lead. Good details. Unique writing style. This was a fun review to read.

Maybe add pictures.