Wednesday, March 4, 2009


1) When he thinks about how many people he has killed and realizes he will never be forgiven.
2) When the Boy comes and he realizes people will never forgive him.
3) When the guy cuts up the prostitutes face and body.
4) When he comes into the town with a fire arm.
5) When English Bob comes into town with weapons.
6) When Ned cheats on his wife.
7) When Will drinks alcohol.
8) When the boy shoots the guy on the crapper.
9) When Will shoots Sheriff Bill.
10) When Will leaves his children at home to go kill.

Billy Madison

1) Where Billy chases the pinguin. I like this scene because it shows that there are some things that you will want but you may never get them. Some things are just impossable to get.
2) When Mrs. Lippy is dancing with her noodles. I like this scene because it shows that when people are not around your true person comes out. Weather you like to dance around with noodles or just do your thing, everyone needs to have time to do there thing.
3) When Ernie pees his pants and Billy puts water on his pants and tells everyone that it is cool to pee your pants. I like this becasue it shows you need to stand up for your friends, even if you embaras yourself, stainding up for friends is always the right thing to do.
4) My favorite scene is where he is up on the stage and the person who is grading the competition between himn and Eric says that everyone that was hear has just gotten a little stupider. I think that it is funny because we all hae moments in our life when we stand up for what we think is right and we get shot down.

Secret Window Vs. Psycho

The Secret Window and Psycho are to horror movies. Both of them involving a person who has more than one personality. In the Secret Window the main character thinks that there is a man out to get him but it is only his imagination coming out and trying to get back to all the people who hurt him and that he does not like. In Psycho the guy kills his mom but does not let anyone find out that he killed her and after she is buried he digs her body up and keeps it with him. After a while he starts having to personality's, one of him and the other as his mother. He starts acting like her and not letting anyone know he has her body. In both the movies they have people with split personality's and kill people because they get mad at them. I think that Secret Window is a better movie because it is newer and appeals to me more.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Film Studies Movie List

1. Billy Madison
2. Nerer Back Down
3. Simpsons Movie
4. Dark Knight
5. V for Vandetta
6.The Graduate and Rumor Has It
7. Unforgivin
8. Secret Window
9. Phycho
10. Citizen Kane
11. Gone with the Wind
12. Ben Hur
13. Cinema Paradisco
14. The Forest for the Trees

V for Vandetta VS. Dark Knight

Super Hero's are topically thought to be all good, but can you do a bad thing but have a good outcome and still be considered a superhero? I think that you can, especially after watching V for Vandetta. We all know that Batman is a Superhero, but is he more of a superhero than V or not? I think that what V does it very superhero like. He helps the town regain its bearings. In the Dark Knight he helps the town in ways that there government cannot. Both of the hero's are liked by the citizens because they are able to do things to help out there town that normal every days people cannot.
DARK KNIGHT- The dark knight is about Batman and saving Gotham City. He is there to help the government when they shine the batman symbol. The bad guy in this movie is Joker. He is threading to kill people for no reason. He just does it. Batman is trying to capture him and when he does the Joker makes Batman decide on saving his love or the mayor. When batman goes out to try and save the girl he discovers that he went to the wrong one and the mayor is there. He tryes and save him but half his face catches on fire. The joker gets cough in the end.
V FOR VANDETTA- In this move a guy who calls himself V tryes to help out all the people by changing how the government works. He creates huge explosions so that the town is in kayos. He Ultimately gets shot and gets killed. His last ride is on a train carrying a huge amount of TNT that blows up one of there government buildings. Going out with a big bang and making his dreams come true.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

The Simpsons Movie

Can movies really be as good as television shows? Yes, they can be, they can even be better. Which was the case in The Simpson's movie. I love watching the Simpson every Sunday night on fox but now that they have come out with a movie i can watch it any time of the week. The Simpson's movie is one of my favorite animated comedys. It is the longest running show on t v. The Simpson's movie is about the Simpson family, Homer played by Dan Castellaneta, Marge played as Julie Kavner, Lisa played as Nancy Cartwright, and Bart as Yeardley Smith. The plot of the movie is that Homer Simpson gets his town, Spring Field, into big trouble when he doesn't listen to the laws and dumps pig crap into the lake. They had just cleaned up the lake and when he put that in there it made it all dirty again. Then the EPA comes in and puts a huge glass dome over the entire town. Trapping everyone who is in there. The town finds out who put the crap in the lake and chase after them, but luckily they were able to escape threw a sink hole in there back yard to the other side of the dome. They escape and go to a place that they will be safe, Alaska. They stay there for a little while but then Marg and Meg decide that they have to go back to there home town to safe the city. So they leave Homer in Alaska. They get back to Spring Field and get captured and put back into the glass dome. Then homer comes back to town and saves the day. I wont tell you how he does it because that would ruin the movie.
My favorite quotes from the Simpson's movie is when Ned Flanders says "The Good Lord is telling me to confess to something" and Homer Simpson says "Gay gay gay gay gay gay" I like that quote because it makes me laugh because in all the Simpson's shows i watch i never see him with a women.
I think that the Simpson's movie is one of the best animate movies yet. Without the Simpson's movie i would have never know what the EPA is or where Homer has always wanted to live. This is a great movie and i know that you will enjoy it. So get some popcorn, re-Cline the chair back and enjoy.

Never Back Down